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Issue 18 – Trans

It is now perhaps a commonplace that digital, networked and informational media are extremely transient. They diversify in form and function at a dizzying rate. At the same time, they transit and fuse “social” and “natural” differences in a manner which reconfigures all  the worlds involved. It is also perhaps a commonplace to suggest that […]

FCJ-128 A Programmable Platform? Drupal, Modularity, and the Future of the Web

Fenwick McKelvey. York / Ryerson Universities, Toronto I found Drupal in the summer heat of the riverside town of Rosario, Argentina during an internship with a women’s rights organisation in the city. The Canadian government funded me to help the organisation with their information technology, part of a program to promote Canada’s reputation as a […]

FCJ-127 Concrete Software: Simondon’s mechanology and the techno-social

Simon Mills. De Montfort University, Leicester. In this article I will discuss the philosophy of technology developed by Gilbert Simondon, predominantly in his 1958 book The Mode of Existence of Technical Objects, with a particular concentration on his concepts of associated milieu and concretization. The article provides an introduction to Simondon’s theory of technological genesis […]

FCJ-126 The Becoming Environmental of Power: Tactical Media After Control

Michael Dieter Media Studies, The University of Amsterdam. There is a last enterprise that might be undertaken. It would be to seek experience at its source, or rather, above that decisive turn where, taking a bias in the direction of our utility, it becomes properly human experience. (Bergson, 1991: 184) Tactical media (TM) was originally […]

FCJ-125 From Representation to Sensation: The Transduction of Images in John F. Simon Jr.’s ‘Every Icon’

Troy Rhoades. Concordia University, Montreal. Perhaps the peculiarity of art is to pass through the finite in order to rediscover, to restore the infinite.—Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy? (Deleuze and Guattari, 1994: 197)   Science and Art When encountering John F. Simon Jr.’s software artwork Every Icon (1997) on his website, it […]

FCJ-124 Interactive Environments as Fields of Transduction

Christoph Brunner. Zurich University of the Arts & Concordia University, Montreal. Jonas Fritsch. Department of Information and Media Studies, Aarhus Universitet. Introduction Digital and interactive technologies have evolved dramatically as the traditional desktop computer has given way to ubiquitous computation. Computation is now an integrated part of many people’s everyday lives, a question of experience […]

FCJ-123 The Transversal Generic: Media-Archaeology and Network Culture

Kristoffer Gansing. transmediale – festival for art and digital culture School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University The generic no doubt cuts across the contemporary operators of thought, like the transversality of Deleuze-Guattari, or Foucault’s diagonality.—Francois Laruelle (2011: 252) ‘Take, for instance, an overhead projector’ as Bruno Latour wrote in a 1994 article (36). And […]

FCJ-122 Anxious Atmospheres, and the Transdisciplinary Practice of United Visual Artists

Vince Dziekan Faculty of Art & Design, Monash University, Melbourne In the electric age all former environments whatever become anti-environments. As such the old environments are transformed into areas of self-awareness and self-assertion, guaranteeing a very lively interplay of forces. – Marshall McLuhan   This article initiates a course of research that takes as its […]

FCJ-121 Transversalising the Ecological Turn: Four Components of Felix Guattari’s Ecosophical Perspective

John Tinnell. Department of English, University of Florida. Over the past decade, the humanities disciplines have played host to an explosion of ecologically themed transformations, which continue to open up new (sub)fields of research and teaching. The development of the ecological turn in English studies (conceived broadly to house the study of literature, composition, film, […]

FCJ-120 Other Ways Of Knowing: Embodied Investigations of the Unstable, Slippery and Incomplete

Petra Gemeinboeck College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Sydney Rob Saunders Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney ‘… unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudorealities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust their motives; I distrust their power. They have a lot of […]