:: editorial policy
:: guidelines for submission
:: style
This is a refereed journal.
Contributions reprinted from other sources, and invited contributions (including introductions to other articles) will not be sent out for review unless the author so requests.
All other contributions in the ‘Articles’ section will be automatically sent out for blind peer review.
The process is as follows:
An article is submitted, in the form outlined in our Guidelines for Submission, and we require that the author is not identifiable from the text, and that information about the author is provided in a front page, separate from the text of the article.
The editor reads the article, and decides whether its content is appropriate to the journal.
Receipt of the article is acknowledged, and the editor notifies the author either that it is not appropriate to our journal or that it will be sent out for refereeing.
The editor approaches possible referees from among the Board and list of other people who have indicated their willingness to act in this capacity: no article is sent until the referee has agreed to read it in the time allocated.
The article (minus the identifying front page) is forwarded to two referees, with the journal’s “Referee Report Form”. The two referees independently read, assess and report on the article.
The editor reads these reports and decides whether or not to publish. If the decision is not to publish, the author is notified, and provided with reasons for the decision. If the decision is to publish, the author is provided with the referees’ reports and is invited to resubmit after making any amendments required by the editor on the advice of the referees.
The author rewrites and re-submits. The editor negotiates any further changes with the author till both are satisfied.
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All manuscripts submitted to the Fibreculture Journal should be original and not be under consideration for another publication.
Authors license publication in the Fibreculture Journal in print and electronic form.
Please Note: Articles not conforming to the Fibreculture Journal’s style guide may not be considered. It is also the case that, although the Fibreculture Journal editors will often work to edit manuscripts, we are not always able to publish articles that require extensive editing in order to conform to the standards of the journal.
In general, follow these procedures:
1. Word length
Articles and bibliographic essays should be between 5000 – 12,000 words in length.
If in doubt, consult the editors.
2. Submission Procedures
Send as email attachment as a “rich text format” (RTF) file. Include in the email message a statement of which system and program has been used. Send email to a.murphie@unsw.edu.au with the subject line SUBMISSION Fibreculture Journal
If you are submitting in html, zip your “site” into a zipfile and email as an attachment. If the site is too large to be sent as an attachment, send on either a dual platform CD or zip disk. Send email to a.murphie@unsw.edu.au with the subject line SUBMISSION Fibreculture Journal (Please notify Andrew in advance of sending large files).
Images should be sent as separate files as either GIF or JPG. Do not embed images into word documents. Try to keep file sizes to a minimum to speed download.
Under no circumstances will the Fibreculture Journal/the editors accept articles under consideration elsewhere for publication. Be aware of this before you submit an article to Fibreculture Journal.
Email address: amurphie@unsw.edu.au
Postal Address:
Dr Andrew Murphie
School of Media and Communications
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052
3. All submissions should be accompanied by the following information on a separate page at the beginning of the text:
Name(s), Institutional affiliation(s), email(s) and surface mail addresses and fax no.(s) of the person(s) submitting;
Title of the text and the issue for which it is submitted.
An abstract of around 100 words.
All original submissions should be accompanied by a short paragraph (40-60 words) about the contributor(s), giving the kind of information that readers may wish to know, such as name, institutional affiliation, leadership roles, recent publications, research interests. This paragraph should appear immediately after the last paragraph of the article
A short biography.
All original submissions should be accompanied by a short paragraph (40-60 words) about the contributor(s), giving the kind of information that readers may wish to know, such as name, institutional affiliation, leadership roles, recent publications, research interests. This paragraph should appear immediately after the last paragraph of the article.
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1. Layout for articles NOT submitted in HTML
General rule – keep it simple, avoid formatting . This means: Use single spacing between lines, justify on left only.
Do not use tabs at any time. Mark paragraph breaks with one extra “hard return”.
Do not use bold or underlining at any time: for emphasis or titles, use italics.
Notes should not be embedded into the text. When endnoting, place the number of the endnote after the text in brackets and add the endnote to the bottom of the article. Eg. The text goes here and the endnote reference comes after. [1]
NB, the endnote reference comes AFTER and not before the full-stop. Use square not curly brackets. Try and avoid placing the endnote reference mid-sentence – i.e. place endnote reference at the end of the sentence where possible.
·Spelling – retain ‘s’ (and not ‘z’)
2. Quotations
Use single quotation marks round quotes less than two lines long, and run these in the text.
Use in-text referencing, with reference details after the ‘quote’ (May, 2002: 34).
Indent quotes three or more lines long by 1 cm, without quotation marks, in a separate paragraph. Do not indent right margin.
Do not italicise quotes, except for emphasis. Acknowledge added emphasis immediately after the citation as “my emphasis”: e.g. (Ronell, 1989: 186; my emphasis).
Quotes within quotes should be distinguished by double quotation marks e.g. Hansen (110) speaks of a 1908 article which ’emphasizes a German exhibitor’s efforts to procure “scenes from the Rocky Mountains, forest views, and flowing cascades”.’ (single quotation marks surround the quote from Hansen at p.110, double quotation marks surround the words quoted by Hansen at this point)
3. Layout for articles submitted in html
The screen space should be designed for display on a 800×600 screen but allow for FJC navigation controls (100 pixels wide)
Use browser safe colors (216)
Include a splash screen detailing the title and author(s) of the piece and indicating what plugins (if any) are required to view it correctly. Where appropriate, provide links to the relevant download sites for plugins.
Optimise all elements for quick download
4. Reference Style Guide
IF you have no references, please list SUGGESTED FURTHER READING at the end of your piece.
All book, journal, film, artwork titles in italics. List alphabetically by author.
For more than one author, use “and” not “&”.
For the first reference of an author in your article, include their first name. Thereafter refer to surname only.
Please Note: Please do not autonumber your endnote references but insert the reference number ‘manually’ in both the text, and in the Notes. Autonumbering creates difficulty for those putting the document online.
Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001), 18-21.
Critical Art Ensemble. The Electronic Disturbance (New York: Autonomedia, 1994).
TRANSLATED BOOKS (original date of publication is second)
Alliez, Éric. Capital Times: Tales from the Conquest of Time, trans. Georges Van Den Abbeele, forw. Gilles Deleuze (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996; 1991).
Lazzarato, Maurizio. ‘Immaterial Labor’, trans. Paul Colilli and Ed Emory in Radical Thought in Italy: a Potential Politics, eds. Paolo Virno and Michael Hardt (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), 133-147.
Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. ‘For and Againsts NGOs: the Politics of the Lived World’, New Left Review 2 (Mar-Apr, 2000): 63-84.
Lash, Scott. ‘Reflexivity as Non-Linearity’, Theory, Culture & Society 20.2 (2003): 49-57.
Kittler, Friedrich A. ‘Gramophone, Film, Typewriter’, trans. Dorothea Von Mücke and Philippe L. Similon, October 41 (1987): 101-118.
Wang, Shujen. ‘”From the Cold War to the Wired World?” – Copyright
Re-Contextualized: Piracy, Hollywood, State and Globalization’, unpublished manuscript [or if: PhD Thesis, University of Whatever] (2001).
Do not bother with date of access; when making reference to postings to mailing lists, provide the full url – this will enable a link to be made from your article to the reference.
Stalder, Felix and Hirch, Jesse. ‘Open Source Intelligence’, First Monday 7.6 (2002), https://firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_6/stalder/index.html
Holmes, Brian. ‘The Flexible Personality’ (Parts 1 & 2), posting to nettime mailing list, 5 January (2002),
Balibar, Étienne and Osborne, Peter. ‘Conjectures and Conjunctures [Interview]’, Radical Philosophy 97 (September/October 1999): 30-41.
Guattari, Félix. ‘Institutional Practice and Politics: Interview with Jacques Pain’, trans. Lang Baker in The Guattari Reader, ed. Gary Genosko (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995), 121-138.
Lunenfeld, Peter (ed.). The Digital Dialectic: New Essays on New Media (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1999).
Hardt, Michael and Virno Paolo (eds). Radical Thought in Italy: A Potential Politics (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996).
Wilden, Anthony. ‘Analogue and Digital Communication: On Negation, Signification, and Meaning’, in System and Structure: Essays in Communication and Exchange (London: Tavistock, 1972), 155-201.
Robins, Kevin. ‘Will Images Move Us Still?’, in Martin Lister (ed.) The Photographic Image in Digital Culture (London: Routledge,
1995), 29-50.
As X says, ‘the world tastes pink’ (Author, Year: 127).
As X (Year: 128-129) says, ‘tomorrow is forgotten’, yet one could contest this view.
Use single (not double) curly rather straight quotes.
Use double quotes for contested terms/phrase, etc. E.g. The term “community” is one that has attracted much debate.